Saturday, November 7, 2015

One week left

I'm not really sure where I planned on going with this post.  I've been at the Children's Ministry Institute for eleven weeks now. I've grown friendships, learned about how to minister more effectively, and been stretched in so many ways. I've laughed, cried, sweat, even bled in my short but intense time here. Friends that had attended in the past gave me large expectations for this Institute. I was not disappointed. While I will stay here for one more week to attend Missionary candidate school, almost all of my classmates will be leaving this coming Friday and Saturday.

Goodbyes suck. I will be saying a lot next week. I don't want to. In an almost toddlerish way I just don't want to. Because I know that some of these goodbyes are going to last for the rest of our lives on Earth. I know that many of these dear brothers and sisters I won't see again on this side of Heaven. Some I will. I'm confident I'll email and facebook message and text most everyone periodically to catch up. We'll subscribe to each other's prayer letters, newsletters, prayer cards, etc. We'll try to make visits work. Sometimes they will. Often life will get in the way. Ministry will boom (which is a good thing), and opportunities to visit will slip away. God has called us to reach children in different areas. But that means personal sacrifice. Often when people imagine taking up their cross and following Jesus, they imagine sacrificing their stuff. TV's, nice cars, expensive toys, etc. They don't think about giving up friends. They don't think very often of giving up family. But Jesus asks us to give that to Him too. Every aspect of our lives. It's part of giving your life to Christ for His glory. It hurts. But it is for the ultimate good of those who love God.

As I say goodbye, I'll bear in mind the saints in the Bible who endured tearful departures (Acts 20:36-38). I'll bear in mind our goal to reach children's souls with the life-giving message of the Gospel. I'll keep my eyes on the goal, our upward call in Christ.

But I'll also remember the beautiful fellowship. These pictures are just a taste of the fun we've had together! :')

CMI #161 pictures


  1. Yes, and keep in mind how greatly the Lord blesses us. Even the things we give up, He satisfies us with more of Him in so many vast and varied ways.
    Thank you for sharing yourself with us all and for caring for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

    1. I heard so much maturity and understanding in your post, Joshua. Just wanted to add that to my comment.
