Monday, October 26, 2015

Fuzzy calling

     One of my friends here at the institute let me borrow his camera for an afternoon, and I had a blast taking pictures and capturing moments with the camera. As I looked through the pictures I had taken, I started to delete the photos that turned out to be too "fuzzy". In some photos, the picture was very clear, and it was quite obvious exactly what was taking place. In others, it was hard to make out what was going on. As I prepare to go into full-time ministry, I have been thinking about how many details of plan for the future are "fuzzy"

     I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has called me to children's ministry. I know that He has put the opportunity to work with CEF right in front of me. I know that I will intern in Washington for a year. I don't know what will happen or where I will go after that. I don't know if God will send me overseas or plant me right there in WA. I don't know where all of my support is going to come from. I don't know.

     But I do know that God has called me to His ministry. I do know that He will lead me day by day. I do know that as I do His work in His way, I will never lack His supply. I trust Him to guide me, and work through me so that He may be glorified! The details of my calling may be "fuzzy", but I know that He will show me what to do as I faithfully work in the ministry He has set before me.

Praise and Prayer updates:
My IMPACT interview is on October 30th, so please pray that everything would go well during that.
I am sick right now with a nasty cold and some stomach pains. Please pray that I would be able to get back to a functioning level soon.
Only three weeks left of CMI! Praise God that I've made it this far!

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