Thursday, February 11, 2016

Honesty, I'm really afraid to do these blog posts

Which is weird, ever since I was a little kid, I've ALWAYS had something to say. Whether it's a smart-alec retort, an opinion, advice, I'm always ready to run my mouth. And now with a blog I can talk about anything I want! And yet, the more I live life, the more I realize I have less to say. I'm just a scared, anxious, lonely, and really sinful person. I am afraid of what I'm about to do. My trust level in God is nowhere near what it should be. I am moving at the end of the month to a new town, in a new house, by myself. And it stresses me out. There are plenty of moments that I want to curl in a ball under a blanket. Moments where I wonder how it's all going to work out. Moments where my faith is totally shaken and I question everything I believe and I everything I'm doing. Who am I to talk? I'm just a sinner who pretends to have his life together.
But God. You see, all of this isn't actually about me. If it was, I would've quit a long time ago. I can't write these posts for my own sake. God wants me to share my heart and to be authentic with you. He's given me His passion for the children. He's given me His ability share the beautiful Gospel. It's a blessing that is totally and completely undeserved. He's let me see His awesome power to touch lives. And He is good. Even when I am not.
I hope you all can see Him. Making my mess into another one of His Masterpieces.

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